Why subscribe?

Hi There, My name is Hua and I am building my own startup called Typogram. I also write the design newsletter FontDiscovery.

Twitter is a great way to build a supportive community and acquire potential users. In the past couple of months, I have been trying to grow on twitter as part of my startup/indiehacking journey.

One thing I notice is that I had better results when I consistently show up on twitter, tweeting or making comments under people's tweets. When I first started on twitter it was difficult. It was hard to find tweets to respond to. To be honest, it is still hard nowadays. Sometimes I get too lazy looking for things to comment.

As a way to solve that and help those of us that want to grow on twitter, I am starting a free daily newsletter. I will send you three tweets to respond to. I'm already doing this for my cofounder via a email and she's been enjoying it so far. so I thought I open up this project to everyone who wants to grow on twitter. It is probably more helpful if you are on a small personal account, trying to grow your followers.

The tweets will be entrepreneurship/start-up orientated at the beginning. If there are many folks interested, I will send out surveys to get ideas from you about additional topics of interests. if you are interested, you can sign up here!

I would appreciate it if you can share this with everyone you know trying to grow on twitter. Thanks so much and see you around!

Subscribe to indiegrow

Grow on twitter by getting tweets to comment on in your inbox. Let's show up to twitter together, everyday.


I want to help more people feel creative, and make it easier for them to start their businesses.